
The Color of Amanda Matthews.

If the world was pastel and as serene as the rainbow that appears after the storm, oh the great joy we would find in our eyes on a daily. To see beyond the dull transgressions and dark clouds we cast upon each others lives is a marvelous opportunity to translate for the rest of us. Artist and writer Amanda Matthews has taken upon the weight of her world and has decided to share it whole heartedly with all whom may want to know. "What gives me great faith in art, is that anyone, poor or rich, can experience the feeling that art gives you. There are no boundaries on those feelings or experiences. So I hope to present all my emotions in paint and in words" said Amanda Matthews on the homepage of her website. I have been moved particularly by the two watercolors shown here "The Rape" and "The Seamstress." The destruction, personal and on a global level depicted in "The Rape" is powerful and with purpose forces the eye to realize rather than ignore. As "The Seamstress" reconstructs all that was ruined it provides hope, for there is a "fix" and with the right personnel there can be a new beginning. We are the reason and through thee eyes of another we shall be elevated. Passionately devoted to giving her experience to all, Amanda Matthews has made watercolors her transport and words her chauffeur. I'm definitely looking forward to more from her and if you are on the search try out http://Amandasurl.com. ~Zsazsa khu Lawson