
Africa is the FUTURE: Nneka

The day I stumbled upon Nneka my day was warped into conscious thought and vanished into the sorrows of those yearning for a revolution. She doesn't speak to you, instead she fires at you rapid bullets of immediate cries of action. Her message is vital for your eyes, ears, and hearts. Wake up and stop sleeping on her contribution for she is causing the creation of a foundation our world needs. Through music she is liberating those who are diseased by commerical club hits and relating to those who are suffering every day of their lives. Concrete Jungle released 2/02/2010 and has spread like a wildfire across the world. From Africa to American surburbia let her sound beat like bongos deep and congruent to the drum of your heart. Take a dive into her most recent video release "uncomfortable truth" from Concrete Jungle and her live performance of "heartbeat" on the Letterman. This artist is worth it, seek and ye shall find. Respect ~Zsazsa khu Lawson