

Allow your pores to be raked raw then penetrated by the combination of two unique souls sent to revamp your entire Ipod collection. The best way to describe J*davey is to say nothing at all, but rather be lead to the distortion of reality in which these two artist create. Play a song or two, show a video, or visit their personal blogspot, but that's just the beginning. As you separate they will grow fonder, more intrigued and even develop an obsession for the euphoria J*davey gives you. They are the ecstacy popped into your system for the first time, on a roll of some sort of high that manages to warp to your personal desire. Influcenced by different genres, perspectives and collective beliefs this duo gives your taste buds the crackle pop and fizz your mouth has been missing since POP rOcks. Pick up all previous projects from itunes and take a peek at a teaser video for their "Get together" track from the most recent release. The full video is suspected to released this friday 3/5/2010. Get into it. ~Zsazsa khu Lawson